R.I.P. Kodak T-Max 3200

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Salt Lake Community College Basketball shot on Kodak T-Max 3200 Black and White Film. Photo by Jaren Wilkey/BYU

Kodak just announced that they will stop production on T-Max 3200 Black and White film. As a freshman student at Salt Lake Community College in 1997, I first used 3200 to shoot the colleges basketball games in a very dark gym. I still remember how amazing it was to be able to shoot action in such unfavorable conditions. T-Max 3200 was a crazy emulsion that you could push and pull like crazy and it had a really cool grain structure. Yet one more relic of a forgotten age that will be sorely missed.

And here is another one from Dot Paul at the University of Georgia:

So, this is one of the first images I ever shot with tmax 3200 back in 1997 when I first began studying photography--shot with my Nikon N6006 and the kit lens that came with -- I think a 35-50 f4.5/5.6. This is my dad, sitting at the kitchen table -- all natural light just monkeying around and got very, very lucky. A little burning and dodging in the darkroom too but not really all that much. When I read they were going to discontinue the film, I immediately ordered 10 rolls from Adorama. I've got my grandfather's Nikon SP now and I'm looking forward to running that film through it!